Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Excerpt from "Man's Search for Meaning"

"Another time we were at work in the trench. The dawn was grey around us; grey was the sky above; grey the snow in the pale light of dawn; grey their faces. I was again conversing silently with my wife, or perhaps I was struggling to find the reason for my sufferings, my slow dying. In a last violent protest against the hopelessness, meaninglesss world, and from somewhere I heard a victorious "Yes" in answer to my question of the existence of an ultimate purpose. At that moment a light was lit in a distant farmhouse, which stood on the horizon as if painted there, in the midst of the miserable grey of a dawning morning in Bavaria. "Et lux in tenebris lucet"---and the light shineth in the darkness."

Excerpt from "Man's Search for Meaning", Victor Frankl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
