Thursday, July 12, 2007

Basketball Glory

I was playing basketball at the 20th Street Gym yesterday and I have to say that I was doing very well playing with some guys that are half my age. I thought "Not bad for a guy at my stage of life". I made great shots and gave some of them, lessons in moving to the basket.

I was just feeling pretty good about myself, when one of the young guys that I have played a few times told me, "You must been really good in your day". My day? I thought this was my day. Today was my day I thought. The old age thing again.

While it was really meant to be a compliment and well intentioned, it reminded of Patton and his story of the Roman Generals, who would return from a victorious battle and riding their chariot into an adoring crowd with a servant whispering into the ear of the General, "Glory is Fleeting". A reminder to appreciate it now, because it will disappear like a wisp of smoke.

Yes, my days on the court are fleeting and make me appreciate even more the fact I can still "run and gun". At least a little longer.

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